Seaborne: "I was tagged by Zoey @ Zoolatry to tell what I keep in my Box of Life"

Well, besides Tatum (my favorite person -- see above pictures), here is what is in my box:
Sam (even though he drives me crazy sometimes)
Sloane (she gives me lots of scritches and lovin')
Mommy (aka The Food Lady)
Grilled Fancy Feast -- any flavor but beef
my special green froggie that I like to sleep with
my white blanket that I like to snuggle on (I'm invisible when I'm on it)
my memories, which I visit all the time
Wonderful... somehow we secretly knew what would be at the top of your list! The green froggie is a surprise however...
That's a beautiful box of life you have!
Great list - thanks for sharing!!
Oh, memories are a very good thing to keep in there so they are safe for whenever you want to visit them.
Oh you are a gorgeous cuddley armful!
Hahaha every Fancy Feast except beef! That means more for Darling Millie ;)
You have a great Box of Life :)
Oh, yes, yoor memories fur safe keeping. What a wunnerful idea. Um, we don't mean to be rude, but, is Tatum tiny or are yoo a really huge mancat?
KC said...
Hi, Seaborne. loved readin what's in ur's box.
Hope u's an all tha Taylors haf a furry Happy Fanksgiving.
Purrs, KC
Hi, well Zippy, Sadie & Speedy, Tatum is really tiny --5'5" and about 105 pounds. But I am a manly 23 lbs. So the answer to your questions is yes Tatum is tiny and yes I am a really huge mancat! :)
Thank you everyone for leaving such sweet comments!
What beautiful things in your box!
Seaborne, you are the floofiest!!!
AAAAHHHHHH! Fluff overload! We had to get the Blonde Girl and show her this picture - bigger than Grr and fluffier...adorable!
We come by way of Mickey's bloggie.
You are a beautiful kitty and we love your treasure box.
Gosh, you have an adorable cat family! Seaborne breaks our hearts a bit because he so looks like our beloved Tubbo Walter who went to the bridge last May. We love big fat floofy cats so much! (and we mean "fat" in a very good way. Snuggly!)
Ann at Zoolatry said we should tell you that. She knows us well, and our Walter has been in so many of her wonderful photo creations.
Mosaic Cats and Lady
(You can see that even though we have 3 cat blog accounts, ML uses Walter for her personal account!)
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