Oh my goodness. I am so excited. Guess who is coming home...TONIGHT???? TATUM!! She has been gone for almost TEN MONTHS! I can't wait to see her. Do you think my furs have grown out enough? I want to look my best! Mommy....can you comb my furs? Oh, I have so much to do to get ready. Mommy....can you help me make a Welcome Home sign? Do you think she missed me? I missed her SO MUCH! Oh, I don't think I can wait! When is 10:00 pm?
oh Seaborne, you look just wonderfully handsome. tatum will be so happy to see you. we can tell you're so 'acited!!! Haf fun!! 10pm is like 5 naps away yet. -Sammy and Miles
AUNTIE DEB!! PLAY!!!! PLAYPLAYPLAY!!!! um, Auntie Deb? me is sorry that me hadded some niptini at the wedding 'ception. me was bad boy. :-( - Billy Sweet Feets
Now this is exciting. We can't wait to see pix of Tatum's homecoming and the reunion.
purrs and tail wags
Oh, my SWEETFEETS, I could NEVER be upset with you!!! Come over and PLAY PLAY PLAY with me!! Snuggle too???
Love,Auntie Deb
ooooh, how 'citing! are you gonna go pick her up somewhere? cuz if you are, it would be fun to make a cardboard sign that says "LAFAWNDA". of course, if you haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite, this would be meaningless.
Do not worry, Seaborne, you look wonderful. Have fun with Tatum!
Tatum will be soooo happy to see you, and you look fabulous and floofy and so bootifully white..oh..it will be a glowious weunion
smoochie kisses
me will come over and snuggle wif you Auntie Deb - Billy SweetFeets
Aw, Seaborne - you look so handsome, sweetie! Mommy will comb your furs, just so you look extra, extra special! :)
We know Tatum will be sooooo happy to see you :)
Have fun!
You look fabulous. I guess lion cuts aren't so bad after all. Did you ever get cold, tho? Enjoy your reunion!
That is SO MUY AWESOME! Ten months?! That's like For-EV-ER! I think you look terrific, and Tatum will think you look perfect!
(who's Tatum?)
You're too pretty for words.
You look marvelous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry,Tatum will be thrilled to see and hold you!!! :)
Are you excited ? Hahahahahaha!!!!
Giuve her a BIG purr :)
Purrs Mickey
Seaborne, you look both handsome and majestic! I hope you have a wonderful time with Tatum!
O, Seaborne, you look ever so hansum. Your furs are growing out beautifully.
Tatum will be so happy and you will too. Pleeze post some pickshures so we can all enjoy yours reunion.
Love & Purrs,
You look fantastic, Seaborne! I'm sure Tatum missed you!
Seabourne, you look really handsome and well turned out. I hope you have lots of fun with Tatum.
How exciting! :) Enjoy spending time with Tatum. :)
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