We have delicious cake for everyone!

And Fancy Feast ....name your flavor!

Who wants to play with the sparkly balls? No birthday party is complete without balloons!

We are exhausted! Thank you for coming to our party! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
A very Happy Birthday filled with love, fun and lots of treats to you both xx
Happy Happy purthday!! We luves da cake!
kins I take a balloon home?
Many Many More purthdays!!!
Be furry goods, now.
Katie Too!
Happy Purrfday Sadie and Sassy Belle!!!! You are looking very lovely! - Sammy and Miles (AND ME TOO!!!!!)
HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just love the stairs!!We don't have any at our house! I think we will have a ton of fun today!!!
I hope your Mom will feel better. That would be a great present!!! :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We is so excited look at all the funs things...herd of thunderin elephants...oh my on STAIRS! WE dont' have stairs in our house this is going to be fun....and sparkling balls...weeeeeeeeeee
We hopes your Mom is feeling better and we is sending purrs of healing magic her way....
and Gracie
Happy Birthday Spats and Sassy! :) We hope you have a great day! :) As we say in German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! :)
Happy Birthday, Spats & Sassy!! Can we play with the sparkly balls? And that cake is awesome-looking!
Hope you have a great day!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! The three of us are in for Thundering Herd of Elephants!! I hope your stairs are rated for us 'cause we are off the hook!
Can I play sparkly balls on the stairs? Dat's my favoritest game. A bean tosses the ball from the top an I attack it at the bottom. O, ya, anywho, I gotta sing fur you!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Spats an Sassy,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... an many mooooooooooore!
Wow, what a wonderful celebratory week you are having at your house! Happy Birthday! :) I hope you have lots of fun and Fancy Feast.
The reunion pictures with your girlbean are just so sweet! The love shines through.
I hope Mommy is feeling better!
Hugs and Purrs,
Happy Purrthday Spats n Sassy!!! We'll play THoE on the stares. We's good at it! hehehe
Only thing better than one birthday is two birthdays on the same day. Happy 4th to Spats and Sassy, and we hope you have many more!
Hopy Bifethday to me furrey cusins... Lov, Rocky, Nemo, Comet and Franklin
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 4th Purrthday's Spats and Sassy and many, many, many moooooore!!!!!
Wow what a cool cake and we love THoE! And stairs, we don't have any so they have to be lots of fun! Let's Party!!!
Your FL furiends,
PS: We are purrring for Auntie Deb to feel better!
Happy Late Birfay!!!! I'm so sowwy I missed youw pawty..I was cwying so hawd all day yestewday, that I got behind..sowwwy
But guess what
all youw puuwawews helped..soeone adopted sadie Sue at the last minute..Thank you so much fow youw help
smoochie kisses
Happy Purrfday Spats and Sassy, hope you both have a wonderful day. We hope Auntie Deb's leg soon gets better.
Oh! Happy Purrfday to da twins! Today is also Annie's Purrfday here at our house! Stop ofer fur sum stuff!
Luf, Us
Oh girls, happy happy purrthday!
I turned 4 recently too and I think this will be a good year for 4 year olds!
Max S & The Crew
Wooo hoooo - another Purrthday PAR-TAY! Have a grea day . . . now where's that tower of stinky goodness? . . .
Happy Birthday!!!
Auntie Deb, does you need me to come and purr on you? - Billy
Happa-happa-happy-birthday to 2 very sweet kitties. Rock on you 2!!
Purrrrs & Purrrs for Auntie Deb. I hope your hurty gets better real fast.
Now, where is that cake?!?!
HAPPY PURRTHDAY! yes, yes, yes! we wanna play on the stairs an play with the sparkle balls an party party party! but in between bouts of wild kitty craziness, we'z gonna be purring for your mom to be all better.
Happy Birthday, Spats and Sassy! Guess what? I am four years old, too! It's a very good age, I think you will enjoy it.
Your cake is beautiful!
Oh-Happy-Day to two of our favorite furriends! You're the best (and we luvs your mama, too!)
Happy 4th Birthday!!!
hope you have a wonderful day!!
How funny. KC shares Jan's birthday and the twins celebrate the next day.
Spats & Sassy, congratulations on turning 4. We hope you have a rejuvenating nap so you can stretch out your party.
That cake looks so inviting. Do you have an extra slice - or 9 or 10?
Percy and Camreon say that is what they want for their birthdays next month. Stairs to play THOE on.
Take good care of your mom.
purrs and tail wags
Oh my goodness two birthday kitties in this wonderful home today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dear ones!
I just adore that cake and it is almost toooooo good to eat!But I will have a bite because I have a sweet tooth....
Love from Miss Peach who is thinking about AUntie Deb real hard today!
Happy happy purrthday! Hope you get lots of treats!
And the cake is awesome...
Wishing you the bestest happiest birthday ever!
We have given you an award. You can collect it furrom our blog.
WooHooo, Party time. Happy Purrthdy Spats and Sassy. Now pass the niptini's please!
Sweet Auntie Deb, you stay off that leg now that tha doktor said it is a torn tendon. ouch. You's don't wanna haf surjery.
Happy Purrthday! May yoo haf a squillion more and may dey all be happy.
Happy Purrfday! The stairs look like fun. I haven't had stairs to play on in over 5 years.
Happy birthday and I LOVE the sparkle balls! I have one gold one.
Mommy is going to take home the left over birthday cake if you don't mind. My friend Maxime has her 14th birthday tomorrow and I would like to give it to her. I hope you don't mind:)
STAY on the sofa!! I will get it myself!! I will check later to make sure you are OFF your feet!!! I am watching you......
To Seabourne, Sam, Summer, Spats and Sassy.
I just read the update about Auntie Deb's torn tendon and would suggest that a good way of keeping her off the poorly leg is to sit on her at all times. It might take more than one of you sitting on her at a time, but you could work out a rota, so that at no time is she able to get up and use the leg she is SUPPOSED to be resting ;)
Get well soon Auntie Deb xx
Happy (belated), happy birthday to you both, Sassy and Spats. We love birthdays, too, and the photos of yours look EXTRA fun!
Thundering herd of elephants, huh? Grace and her boys sound like that when they run from the garage, through the pet door, down the hall, through the family room, and into the living room. No stairs, but they're still pretty darned loud when they really get into playing chase!
And is Godmother Deb staying put as she's supposed to. Does she have a laptop to use on the sofa while resting that leg -- laptops are much better for comfy places than desktops!
Marilynn, Grace & Company
Happy Birthday a day late ladies! Mommy had Mr. work to attend to yesterday and messed up my party plans!
Oh I'm sorry I missed your birthday girls! You look so sweet curled up in that last photo!! Summer wasn't born with you two? She looks like you! Wait, Summer's a calico and two are torties? I have to go see if you have your gotcha stores posted anywhere. Such a nice bunch of kitties, I bet it's an interesting story.
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