Mommy: "Sam, what's wrong?"
Sam: "I'm forlorn."
Mommy: "Sam, do you even know what that means?"
Sam: "It means that I am miserable, desolate, hopeless and deprived."
Mommy: "Wow are right! So why are you forlorn?"
Mommy: "Wow are right! So why are you forlorn?"
Sam: "I am forlorn because a certain beautiful kitty has not acknowledged her love for me. I told her that I loved her, but she has not reciprocated yet."

Mommy: "Oh Sweetie, I'm sure that she loves you...who wouldn't!"

I am
How could she not love you...
We all love you...
Oh Sam, your mum is right. How could she not love such a handsome mancat as you?
Sam, my friend, you are a ManCat of mancats, and there's no way Missy could not return your affection! I'm here for you, bro'!
Don't worry Sam, not many ManCats have baby blues like you! =^Y^=Setzer
Oh, handsome Sam, how could anyone NOT love you?
The Artsy Catsy girlcats:
Callie, Lucy, Bitsy, LittleGirl and Holly
We took a vote and we think she loves you.
Sam, how could she not love you. But our mommy is waiting in the wings to console you if you don't get an answer. she's squeeeeeeeeee-ing over your "beautiful floofy face and gorgeous eyes". wemen. sheesh.
Sam, buck up dood!
Some ladies are just like that, they get all shy. I bet she is just trying to find the best way to show you she cares just as much for you.
Sam, I can't imagine that she wouldn't be head over heels for you!
My daisy flower petals say "She loves you!" You look very handsome with your big baby blue eyes.
I asked Zippy, cuz she is older and wiser den me, and she sed dat she just bets dat Missy is shy and searching fur da right words or jesture to show she loves yoo. I trust Zippy cuz she's da one dat gots me to ask Misty to da Valentine's party at Beau Beau and Angie's dat led to our, um, *blush* romance.~Speedy
Sam, you are a furry handsome mancat, Im sure Missy is just furry shy.
Hi Sam,
We just loves that last picture of you - so adorable!
Don't worry, we are sure that Missy is just a little shy. She will come around, don't worry :)
oh Sam! of course she love you. she is just a little shy. of course there has been sadness in their house so maybe she didn't want to be as happy as she is around ML.
i'm sure she is going to pronounce her love to you soon!
Sam!!!!!!!!!!! Don't give up on her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Send a nice bouquet of catnip!! Maybe some fev-vers!!!! I'm sure she is just purring with her Mom right now.
Maybe her response is in the mail!!!!! (I always wanted to say that)
Purrs Mickey
hmmm...itz not possybull fur her ta NOT luv yoo, but she's got sum offur mancats after her too an so yoo gotta do stuff ta show her how much yoo luv her. could yoo dead somethin' fur her? girls like that kinda thing.
We bet she's dreaming about you too!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
She's prolly just swoonin' and can't make herself believe you really care, Sam.
hi sam i fink her lov a du if not i will see my pic iam cuite ans i will give u stinky goodnes u make sure her see this ok and her wil come around ok STEPPA ps i fink u hansam man cat GRR
Oh Sam, the last picture should convince her! I think you are quite handsome.
Tell your mom bean thanks for the offer of help on the blog. Mom says she will definitely contact her if she runs into problems. We really appreciate the offer.
Praline and Mom Paula
I 1 time telled a girl kiity kat I lovez her and she tellz me she already haz a boy kitty kat friend. OK?
I waz sad fir a long timez but now me and girl kitty kat iz friendz. OK?
There is no way any ladycat could resist that face!
Missy better love you. You're too floofy and cuddly not to be loved.
Oh Sam don't dispaiw..I agwee wif evewyone..she's pwobably shy and has had too much to be able to show hew happiness..I'm suwe she loves you lots and is thwilled about having youw love..I know Iwould be
smoochie kisses
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