Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I am feeling much better. Thank you all so much for you wonderful get well comments. I did have quite a bad asthma attack, but I am feeling much better. I am taking it easy, but I just had to post the lovely graphic that Ann, the Zoolatry human made for ML and me:

Glad you are feeling better!
Lots of purrs!
Abbey, Gizmo, Bucky, Franky
Glad you are feeling better asthma is nasty stuff. I had an asthma attack when I stupidly rolled around in metal shavings. Luky for me my Mom has asthma, so she knew what was wrong. I was rushed to the vet on EASTER of all days.
Glad you are better. ~Scylla & Charybdis
China Cat and I were so glad to hear this morning that Auntie Deb is feeling better today! We'll send over some extra purrs to feel even better!
We are so happy for you, Sam. What a lovely card Missy Blue Eyes sent to you!
Purrrrrrrrrs, Willow
I iz glad u iz feelin better. OK?
U haz nice pickture thingies. OK?
Flowers and butterflies to
mommy taylor... be better!
We are glad your Mommy is feeling better! You must have taken very good care of her.
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Awwwwww! Sam I Am, I'm so glad your special girl was able to respond to your wooin' ways...My Delilah is lost to me! Her people are busy and she can't post...I'm wasting away to practically nothing for love!
I'm also very glad that your mommy is improving after her bad asthma attack..Breathing is kind of important! How can she help you come up with cool songs for my posts if she can't breathe?
I'm so vewy glad you awe feeling bettew!!!!
That is vewy bootiful guawdian angel ..zoolatwy is wondewful..
Sasm I just knew it..I knew she loved you..what a puwwfect paiw!
smoochie kisses
awwwwww! see, we knew she loved you too! an nice touch with the flower. guess that IS better than deading something for her.
purrrrrrs to your mom! and purrrrs to your dad!
See, Sam, we all voted that Missy does love you and sure enough, we were right.
Oh, yeah. And auntie Deb, we're glad you're feeling better. The Zoolatry graphic is beautiful. But if you don't behave yourself, we really will send Buddy and Samaritan over to make you behave. Believe us, they're HEAVY! So if they sit on you, you're stationary.
I am glad to hear that everyone has some good news!
I'm so glad your mom is feeling better! And what a special card and picture from Missy!
Hooray! Sam! Missy loves you back! This is very wonderful news. And also that your mom is feeling better!
We are glad you are feeling better
So happy your are feeling better, being attacked is no fun.
I am thrilled that your mum is feeling so much better.
Horray for Missy and Sam!! <3
Auntie Deb, ME loves you very very much and ME will come ofur and purr for you efurry day. - love
oh and SAM!! concatulations!! Missy is a beautiful girl! you are one lucky mancat
Ohhhhhhh... I see dis iz a love connecksun! Wahoo!!!!
& I yam also happeez to see dat your momee iz feelin' better.
We sure missez you & bloggin.
Dr Tweety
wo he luves u tell u mom iam glad he is better our bean lost all4 of my babys and my lover guy George but iam still here cso come over and sey hi she is a mess thanks steppa ps here DELET MT BABYS cry cry
Hi Auntie Deb, We just heard how truly bad your asthma attack was. We are so thankful that your husband was there to take care of you. Please take care of yourself and do everything your doctor wants you too. We know you will probably be sore for a while. We are purring for you.
Sam, we are so very happy for you and Missy. She is a beautiful cat and you are very lucky.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Mieow, auntie Deb, I am so sorry to hear that you have been sick but glad that you are better. We can't get much news as SS is still in China.
Woohoo!!!! Is Sam the chosen one of the beautiful Missy? Missy is such a gorgeous lady cat.
Are we missing something? Is Sam Missy's SA, aka Secret Admirer? Are they an "item"??? We are curious now...
...and where is our comment that we THOUGHT we left??? About being so happy that your Mom feels better???
I haven't had my morning lizard yet - so I am still a bit confused...
We're glad your Mom feels better.
How could Missy NOT love you! You're a super handsome young man. We Birman girls think Sam is HOT! We're pretty partial to red factor kitties!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
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