The Taylor CatSSSSS received a box yesterday!

Can you guess what was in it?

"Hello, I'm from the Sock Drawer Shelter!"

Spats: "Hello...what is your name? You are very cute!"
New Arrival: "I don't have a name...yet!"

Sassy gives the New Arrival a kiss!

Summer: " are very cute!"

Sam also greets her with a kiss!

New Arrival: "So here I and comfy in the Taylor CatSSSSS home."

New arrival cyez. I likez him. I thinkz "spunky" iz nice name. OK?
Alex tooked our name - Spunky Monkey!!!
HI AUNTIE DEB!!!! purrrrss BILLY
I can't think! I can't THINK! My wee kitty brain is overwhelmed by your complete and utter coolness, Sam I AM! Come back over and CHECK IT OWWWT!
P.S. I'll be back to submit a name when I calm down :P !!
I like the name Silvia.
How cute!!!
I think the newcomer is a girl 'cause she's wearing PINK, like me! I want to name her Suzy the Sock.
Your friend
Hmmms Safari Sarah cuz she had to travel far to get there? Or Serenity since she didn't think it was too alarming to suddently have to meet 5 new cat siblings? Or Steffie which means crown cuz the cool hat is like a crown?
Anyways, whatefur yore name is, yoo's furry cute! We knows the TaylorCatSSSSS are happy to haf yoo as a new sisfur!
Alla Us
We were thinking Sockya.
What a nice welcome all of you gave the new awwival..I think she should be called Selena..just cause I like the name , hehehe
She suwe is cute
I hope now that youw Mom has a Die-agnoses she is getting some help fow hew ouchy leg
smoochie kisses
She looks like a Sally Mae Sock to us.
Such calm greetings. Around here, Buddy and Samaritan would have probably had a tug of war over poor "Sally Mae." And she'd be missing a few limbs. We're so relieved she is living at your house instead of ours. Whew!
We like the name Strawberry.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
PS Hope your Mom is feeling better.
Well, if you combine "Sock" with "Kitty" you get Skitty! That's the name I made up: SKITTY! Because she likes to do funny skits. The only bad thing is, if you change one letter, it makes a bad word. That makes me sad.
We think she should be called Sasafrass. Now thats a name you won't soon forget.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
She's very cute but we will have to put on our thinking caps for a name.
Wow, these are all good name suggestions. They make owrs sownd dumb, but it's what we thot of before we loooked at efurrycat else's ideas. SLINKY!
Hugs & purrs,
Finny Buddy & Jasmine
mommy and I think "Sweetie" but, well, Bendrix sayz, um, well, sigh. he suggests "Skidmark" and then rolls around laughing. sigh
What an adorabble sock kitty! She has a furry cute smile.
Hmmm, a name that starts with "S"? Lemme think, lemme think...
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Swizzle Stick! Reminds me of stick candy. Have fun picking out a name.
Gee,I gotta be earlier ! My names are picked! heehee
How abour Sukkie Sue?
Purrs Mickey
How about Sillie ?
Purrs Tillie
How about Sammie-Sue? She is a cutie!
Purrrrs that your Mom is better!
Your FL furiends,
How about Scooby, Shaggy or Scout?
Oh yeah, that's OUR names.
Never mind.
What a cute socky person. I guess you might call her Sully Sally. We are so glad your Mom got a diagnosis so she can get better. We would like to Thank you very much for coming to our site and wishing us all a Happy Birthday. Yep, this is a busy month, so is December. Mom would like to have all spread throughout the year more. Hope you find a great name for Socky girl.
We can't finks of a name yet but we likes Sparky.
I love him! Let's see ...
(ok, it's that Egyptian influence) :)
How about Scarlett - both for her color and because she was a strong woman - and we have a feeling your new sock kitty is going to have to have a strong personality with all of you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
She is very cute! :)
For names:
- Sally Sox
- Sabrina
We usually only do G's, but we'll try...
The Mama Meezaer cat in our newest Story Game is Samoora. Mom made it up for our story and so we will say Samoora.
Mom says she's only good for one new name per week.
How bout SOCKS like the white house cat?
I wanna play! I wanna play!
That's mine.
K', here goes:
Suki? (means "loved one" in Japan)
K' that's all I got.
SAM I AM! Dude, it's Wordless Wednesday...I can't post your contribution to my post today...'cause it's got WORDS, dude!
Mommie an I waz finking Salmon cuz itz a shayd uf pink jus lyk her an cuz kitties lurve salmon so salmon sownds gud ta us.
What a sweeeeet kitty!
well, the sock kitty reminds us of yummy candy, so we were thinking about Truly Scrumptious, after the pretty lady in the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang movie whose dad made candy, except you have to have it start with S, so maybe just Scrumptious. of course, that's a little hard to say...for us anyway.
How about Sidni (Sidney) kind of cute for a gurl kitti so cute as her.
Miss Henry & Marley too.
How about Sweet Petunia...she looks like a cross between a petunia and a chocolate bar.
Gizmo, Bucky, Franky and Abbey all chose Sally for your sock toy!
Thank you for the kind words about Abbey on my blog.
HI AUNTIE DEB!!! MY guess is
purrrssssssss Auntie Deb
Billy Sweet Feets
SOCKIE....We like SOCKIE! Cute kitty!=^Y^=Setzer
OK we got it ok (TT) thinks u name him Storic (jr man) Surge (MUS) Sitter And me the Shmoo finks u name him Sixfold he has a lot of fols on him
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