"Hi everyone! I am finally home! I made it home just in time yesterday because they closed the flights out right after I left because of Eduardo. I am so happy to be back with my hubbie, daughters and KITTIES! Seaborne looks kinda grumpy in the photo cause I woke him up! I had a GREAT time in Texas with my sisters, brother and mom. We rocked the nursing home with Mother's party! She LOVED it! I saw my wonderful doctor while I was there and finally have a diagnosis about what is wrong with my back and leg. I have FIVE herniated and bulging disks in my lower back that are trapping the nerves. OUCHIE!!! I am going to make an appointment with a doctor at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. Thank you all for your get well wishes and especially for the birthday wishes for Mom! Love to you all!"

Welcome back Auntie Deb -- oooo we is so sorry to learn about your bad discs we hopes you feel better real soon. Glad yoo got out of Houston before the storm left....
we is glad you is home safe Auntie Deb.
Seaborne, you may look grumpy but mommy still wants to snuggle you!
AUNTIE DEB!!!!!!!!!! ME MISSDED YOU LOTS!!!!!! YES!! ME EATED A WHOLE RIB (wifout the bone and bbqsauce, ME doesn't know what bbq sauce is) PUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRSSS
Hooray! Auntie Deb is safely home after rocking Texas. We'd be grumpy too if you woke us up so late - or early!
Buddy wants to know what you did that you shouldn't have that gave your diskies hernias? He thinks maybe you tried to pick up Samaritan.
WELCOME BACK! We are glad everything went well and that now you have a diagnosis! Bet your mom was so happy to see you. One thing we wish is that they would allow cats in the nursing homes. They could adopt them from rescue groups that have screen their health and temperament. Our grammom was not around cats since she was a kid and when she joined our family in '95 it didn't take her long to fall in love with the past group of kitties, which were all older, except for Tonka & Cherokee, and now us. Tang sleeps with her every night, she adores him and he helps keep her spirits up. During the day we all go in and visit her and nap at her window in a cat tree. We are healers of the mind and soul and we love doing our job. Take care and let your babies purr all over you=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz & Mom Holly
Welcome home auntie DEB!!!
I bet you had a gweat time at the pawty fow youw Mommi..but you must have missed all youw bootiful catkids at home....
Youw di-agnoses sounds vewy ouchy, but I'm glad at least you know what it is now, and I suwe hope you can finally get some help fow it! Get some good west..pile my catses fwiends on you and sneep
smoochie kisses
Welcome home! Oh, it's no wonder your back and leg have been so hurty! I hope you will get all better soon.
Happy NOMS Day to you all:)
Hope all is well with you...
wow, we miss you a lot, sorry that we havent always got the chance to say a word, sometimes we're having technical problems to leave comments in blogger...phew;
besides, mommy has been terrible busy, but you're all always in our thoughts & prayers.
kittyhugs & purrs,
meaouwy troops & felinesopher
We's glad yours home, but we sure do miss you.
Now we wants to see pickshures of your Mom's birthday party. I's bet you haf a few (hee hee).
Miss you,
Love and purrs,
Yippee! Happy homecoming! And Happy belated purthday to yer Grammie!
Glad you had a safe journey!!
We be purring fur you about your back and leg... ouchee indeed.
Mawmees been havin sum similar hurtees... her fingers and arms go to sleepee!
And happy purrfday, Grammie! sounds like Grammie had a good party!
Auntie Deb, you take care uv your self now.
Katie Too and Bootsie Woo
and the rest of us!
Welcome home, we sure hope dey can fitz dem disk things in yoor back so dey stop pinching on yoor nerves. We bet Seaborne was happy to see yoo even if he was a little bit grumpy about being woked up.
Welcome home Auntie Deb. We missed you!! Ml told us about your back and legs. I am glad they finally figured out what is going on, so now you can get the treatment you need!
Welcome Home Auntie Deb - we're so glad that you had a safe trip! And happy to hear that you have a diagnosis, that's great news!
We're glad that you had a good time while you were gone, but we are so happy you are back! And we're happy that the doctor figured out what is wrong with you. Now you can focus on getting better!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Oh your poor back! Disc problems can be so painful! I really hope you can get it taken care of so you can be pain free! Poor Mommy Deb! :(
Kitties take god care of her okay?
Your grandma is very pretty and I hope she had a happy birthday!
I will keep you in my thoughts for a better back!
Welcome back Auntie Deb,we missed you. We thought we wished your mum a Happy Purrfday, but we can't see our comment, so maybe we didn't, so........ Belated Happy Purrfday Auntie Deb's mum.
We are glad the doctor found out what was wrong with your back and we hope he can soon get you fixed up.
Ouch is right! Dat is what the mom just said. We hope you can get some relief from that pain soon.
~ Molly ~
Welcome home Auntie Deb!!!!!!!!!!!
I am glad you had fun with your Mom & family!
I know the kitties are happy to have you home safe!!!!
I am glad the Doc found out what is wrong with you, but 5 herniated and bulging disks!!!!!!!!
OUCH!! I hope they can fix you uo OK!!
I'll send some big purrs :)
Purrs Mickey
Glad you are back and that you finally have a diagnosis for your back pain. Special purrayers are being sent your way!
We are so glad you had such a wonderful time on your visit with your Mom, Sisters and Brother Auntie Deb, and that the party turned out so wonderful! But we know how much we love it when our Momma and Daddy come home after a trip, because we miss them so much, so we know how much you missed everyone and how much they missed you! We hope you can get your back and leg problem straigtened out ... that is a terrible thing to have to deal with. You are in our thoughts and purrayers ...
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan too!
Hi, We all missed you. Mom knows what you are going thru. She had one disc that herniated in her back, and one that is bulging. She had to have back surgery last year for it. The cat blogs are what saved her sanity (she says). She was in bed for 9 weeks. We are so glad you know what is going on now, and can do something about it.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Yay! Welcome home! :)
So sorry to hear about all the herniated and bulging discs. :( We hope that the doctor at Johns Hopkins can help you. Sending lots of healing purrs your way.
Welcome home Auntie Deb, I'm very glad you had such a good time and finally got a diagnosis. It musta been very frustrating for you to be in pain and not know what was wrong.
Hi Auntie Deb!
We is so glad you got home safe and sound. We're also very happy that you got a diagnosis and will being seeing a doctor at Johns Hopkins - that is wonderful!
We sure did miss you and we loves you too! :)
Welcome back Auntie Deb, we are so glad they figured out what is wrong and now you can get it fixed! And we are so glad you got out of Texas before Eduardo!
Your FL furiends,
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