Seaborne: "I'm purring and praying very hard for our friends that are being effected by Hurricane Ike. All the TaylorSSSSS are worried about them."
"We will keep everyone in our prayers!" Latest update on Mommy: "She is doing better. Unfortunately, she managed to fall down the stairs yesterday and landed flat on her back. (no kitties were involved or hurt in this process) Consequently, her injection sites are quite sore. The good news is that these injections have definitely made her right hip and thigh feel much better. We kitties will continue our round-the-clock observation and care of our Mommy."
Auntie Deb!!!!! You stay put! All you Taylor CatSSSSS, catpile on mommy! Whew..I'm sure glad you took no injury from the fall..let's not do that again, m'kay?
Seaborne, thank you so much for the purrayers! We appreciate them!
Oh have to sit on Mommi mowe aggwessivley and not let hew go on the staiws..that sounds vewy ouchy. I'm sending smoochie kisses fow all of you to help get thwough this!!! love ASTA
Mama Jess: Hey Kids! What should we do to Auntie Deb? She just can't keep herself safe from getting injured.
Janice: Maybe we should go over there and watch over her every moves.
Justin: Do you think that will help?
Jayson: Hmmm... I don't think so as she would always want to be on the move.
Jeremy: Maybe I'm fat enough to sleep on her lap? It would stop her. Yawn~~ I'm getting sleepy too now... Can I go over there now?
Jolyn: Come on guys... Can't you all be more creative? There are 9 of us here. We can do wonders with so many members. Jayson and Justin... you two go pin her hands down on her bed. Papa Jon and Jeremy are big enough to pin her legs down. Mama Jess and Janice should go lie down on her tummy.
Joey: That's a great idea Jolyn! I'll get some biscuits over. Tuna flavored sounds nice? Yum Yum...
Jimmy: Should I get my milk bottle over in case she gets thirsty?
Papa Jon: Gosh! What has Daddy been feeding those 3 babies? They are getting really too smart each day!
Daddy Criz: Wakakaka.... That's for me to know, for you to find out... Get well soon Deb :)
Mommy mommy mommy... shall we lock you into a PTU to keep you safe!!!
Home alone? You're dangerous!
Oh, dear. What were you thinking, letting your Mommy on the stairs!? We are glad she is already feeling the benefit of injections.
Auntie Deb!!!!! You stay put! All you Taylor CatSSSSS, catpile on mommy! Whew..I'm sure glad you took no injury from the fall..let's not do that again, m'kay?
Seaborne, thank you so much for the purrayers! We appreciate them!
I think that Zoolatry has an idea... it's what we did to Georgia. Or maybe a baby pen?
We will purr for you more so that you keep feeling okay and that you do not fall down more stairs...
Oh have to sit on Mommi mowe aggwessivley and not let hew go on the staiws..that sounds vewy ouchy.
I'm sending smoochie kisses fow all of you to help get thwough this!!!
Oh noes! It sounds like another lap-sitting time! No more falling down stairs, okay? That is scairty!
OMDawg! Your Mommy needs to not fall down steps. That is not good.
Your Ham-Micks were handed off to the man in the bloo shorts! Keep a look out for him!
Luf, Us
I think all you kitties better sit on your Mom so she does not hurt herself anymore!!!!
We are purring for all affected by Ike too .
Purrs Mickey
So sweet! Good babies.
Auntie Deb, do you three more kitties to come sit on you?? We're pretty chunky, I think we could keep you still!!
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
Mama Jess: Hey Kids! What should we do to Auntie Deb? She just can't keep herself safe from getting injured.
Janice: Maybe we should go over there and watch over her every moves.
Justin: Do you think that will help?
Jayson: Hmmm... I don't think so as she would always want to be on the move.
Jeremy: Maybe I'm fat enough to sleep on her lap? It would stop her. Yawn~~ I'm getting sleepy too now... Can I go over there now?
Jolyn: Come on guys... Can't you all be more creative? There are 9 of us here. We can do wonders with so many members. Jayson and Justin... you two go pin her hands down on her bed. Papa Jon and Jeremy are big enough to pin her legs down. Mama Jess and Janice should go lie down on her tummy.
Joey: That's a great idea Jolyn! I'll get some biscuits over. Tuna flavored sounds nice? Yum Yum...
Jimmy: Should I get my milk bottle over in case she gets thirsty?
Papa Jon: Gosh! What has Daddy been feeding those 3 babies? They are getting really too smart each day!
Daddy Criz: Wakakaka.... That's for me to know, for you to find out... Get well soon Deb :)
Oh Noes... falling down stairs is not good but we're glad to hear that your mummy is feeling better.
We, too, have been thinking of those people affected by the hurricane.
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