Seaborne: "Thank you to everyone for wishing The Big Guy happy birthday yesterday! The Big Guy is indeed our Daddy, in case you didn't know!
Don't you think my furs are growing in nicely? I'm naming them "George" in honor of Angus! Does any one want to snorgle my tummy? Mommy loves to do that and I love to have it done!"
Tatum made this yummy Ratatouille Pie with Basil Crust!
Mommy made this Buttermilk Pie. We were wondering how many people have eaten or even heard of a "Buttermilk Pie", so we are taking a poll! (notice that the crust at the top has been nibbled on? The Big Guy had to have a taste! heehee)
If you would like either of these recipes, just email Mommy:
Yes, your floof is starting to come back nicely! Next time your mom starts to steal your floof, you can teleport over here and we'll hide in my closet together.
Never heard of buttermilk pie!
We do not even know what a buttermilk pie is...
I think you are looking quite fine as your furs start to come in.
DUDE!!! You've walked up to the edge and jumped right over it! When you start namin' your furs and other pieces parts, well-that way lies madness, my friend.
Mom takes issue with the above-she says you can call it whatever you want as long as she gets to snorgle it! She's so weird!
You look snorglicious, Seaborne!
We've never heard of buttermilk pie and neither has The looks good though!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Mom would love to snorgle your tummy. We don't let her do that and she misses it! Mom has heard of Buttermilk pie. Her Grannie made it all the time. Her Sister makes it now but Mom still is not fond of it! Mom never heard of Ratatouille Pie. She Googled it to see what it was.
Angus....Dude...You have taken me to the "edge" with George! :)
Tell your Mom that I LOVE TUMMY SNORGLES....COME ON OVER!!!!
Love, Seaborne
We think your "George" is looking mighty fine!!!!
Oh, no, we missed his birthday. But why not? Jan missed Percy's. We need to find her a new memory.
We hope he had a happy birthday and enjoyed his pies.
Mmmm, lots of deliciousness here! We have not heard of buttermilk pie before. Is it a sweet pie? It looks sort of custard-y!
Nope, never heard of buttermilk pie. If it is custardy tho, we might like it - but not Mom. She's not big on custards. Seaborne, George looks like it is growing fabulously. You are going to have all the moms flying to you to snorgle your tummy with that open invitation.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
O, Seaborne, yours George is looking quite fine. Hee hee. Faith Boomerang calls her big floofy tail George now, also in honor of Angus.
We haf not heared of Buttermilk Pie. But mine mommie's favorite pie is Shoo Fly Pie. Buttermilk Pie looks very tasty.
Love & Purrs,
Seaborne, George is looking wonderful! I think it would be great to snorgle your tummy! None of my kitties are tummy snorgling fans at all. And I have to say I have never heard of either type of pie but I am a bit intrigued.
Okay, Mom is standing in line to snorgle your tummy. She loves to snorgle kitty tummies!
The pies look delicious and we are very curious about them.
I would love to snorgle your tummy!
Seaborne, your George is looking more handsome every day. Mum is trying to climb through the computer to snorgle you.
We have never heard of buttermilk pie either. Is it like egg custard pie?
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