Seaborne: "Well, my day was off to a bit of a bad start:Mommy was thinking that I looked a little scruffy.
She tried Furminating me, but I was all snaggly.
Then I had a bit of an upset stomach and my furs were....well...not exactly white anymore.
So...what do YOU think happened next? Can you tell by the following pictures?
Caution: These pictures are not for the faint of heart!

You GUESSED it. The Crazy Woman decided to shave me! Can you believe it? Okay....I do feel much better and I am now clean....but...I AM BUTCHERED!!! As evidenced the the pictures below. BUTCHERED and NOT AT ALL HAPPY RIGHT AFTER THE "INCIDENT"!!!Do I LOOK happy to you?
Mommy has assured me that she will not take up grooming as her new job! I have forgiven her, but I'm still thinking about retribution!
Who is with me? Any ideas???
Oh phoof....Mommy has been kissing me and giving me all kinds of treats. I guess I'll let her off the hook......maybe...
Fear not!
You'll grow it bakhk in no time at all!
Keep acting annoyed. You'll get more treats that way.
Eeeeeeeeek. That was a lot of furs yoor momma took. Yoo must love her a lot to forgive her so quickly!
Well, we think you look furry cool!
"Massacre" Monday! Our mummy was laughing so much!
Don't worry Seaborne, your fur will grow back beautifully. You were so brave to let your mummy shave you!
Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla
Well you could always shave her....... or just keep acting annoyed and get more treats. U sure did have a lot of fur, why that pile of fur looks like 4 or 5 cats to us.
Hahahahahahahahahaha! Our human is laughing so hard she can hardly see to type. OMC, that is just too funny! Sorry, Seaborne. You're right, retribution is called for! You can't let her off the hook so easily.
Oh, Seaborne, look at you!!!
Oh no, she didn't! Did your Mom and Ginger Jasper's Mom get together on that idea?
Seabourne - find the furminator and hide it till your Mom's asleep in bed and give her a new hair style.
We say, wait until your mom is asleep and then shave her head. It's only fair, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, hairs for furs!
You still look furry (well not so much furry) cool! Rest assured, your furs will grow back. You'll thank your mom on them stupid hot days! Looks like a kitten was borned in your bathroom!
I am so sorry you got shaved! The woman has tried to do that with Gemini, but she squirms too much.
MEOWZA!!!!!!!! What a traumatic morning you've had, Seaborne!!!!!!! We hope the rest of the day will be good for you and you'll get lotza luvin' xxxxxxx
Seabourne I know just how you feel.. Mum tried to do me but didnt think the shaver was strong enough so off I went to the groomers.. We look kinda alike now and it will grow back soft and silky.. I feel much better but dont tell.. Hugs GJ xx
You are still a great looking mancat! I'll bet it feels better and you got treats ans kisses!
WOW WEE!!!!! That is a BIG pile of floof on the floor!
You still look as handsome as ever though Seaborne :)
We don't think Hunny Bunny will mind ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
WOW WEE!!!!! That is a BIG pile of floof on the floor!
You still look as handsome as ever though Seaborne :)
We don't think Hunny Bunny will mind ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We're speechless. Milk it for all it's worth!
Hee hee, looks like you could make anuffur cat outta what's on tha floor.
Seaborne, I fink tha treats an loving from hers guilt will make it all worthwhile.
Love & Purrs,
OH PASS THE SMELLING SALTS!!! Dear heavens what has mommy done with you? Did she hurt you? Are you in pain? Don't cry...I still will love you no matter what happens my sweet.
Your Hunny BunnyXOXOXOX
Ooooh--! Poor Seaborne! Your beautiful coat... But you will feel better this summer when it's hot and you're a cool cucumber without all that fur.
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