Seaborne: "I'm very thankful that Grandma Taylor is doing well! I'm thankful for all our friends on the CB! I'm also thankful that my furs are growing back!"
p.s. I am also very thankful for this beautiful blankie that Peggy made for uSSSSS and Auntie ML sent to uSSSSS!
We are so thankful your Grandma is doing well...she is the same age as our Grandma.
Seaborne, you are one mighty handsome fella!!!!!! Oh, we would soooooooooo love to have one of Peggy's famous blankies....we are hoping that it will happen for us someday.
I am also thankful that Grandma is doing so well. And that your furs are growing back. It takes forever, it seems. I am sending healing purrs to your Grandma.
We are thankful that Grandma is doing well, too!
GReat news!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
That is excellent news! We are glad to hear it and thankful that you shared.
These are some very nice bits of newlets indeed, Seaborne!
We are pleased to hear Grandma's surgery went well and she is recovering.
Yeah, you really got scalped!
We're glad your Grandma Taylor is doing well after surgery. How is your mom doing?
YAY for Gramma T~!!! And your furs are lovely! Enjoy a nice chillaxin' day and give your Grammie a get well NOW hug!
you do have a lot to be thankful for. (Pee-Es, that looks like one of Peggy's blankies, is it?)
AttieCattie, it is indeed one of Peggy's famous blankies! We should have put that on the blog!!! Thanks for reminding uSSSSS!
We are so thankful your Grandma is doing well...she is the same age as our Grandma.
Seaborne, you are one mighty handsome fella!!!!!! Oh, we would soooooooooo love to have one of Peggy's famous blankies....we are hoping that it will happen for us someday.
We purr thatAuntie Deb is feeling better????
I am very happy to hear that your Grandma is doing better! Oh yea, we are thankful for our famous Peggy Blankie too, we totally love it!
We are happy to hear that your Grandma is better. You're purring.
That is good news that your Grandma is doing well. We will keep purring.
It is very good that your Grandma is on the mend. I'm sending purrs for her.
I am also thankful that Grandma is doing so well. And that your furs are growing back. It takes forever, it seems. I am sending healing purrs to your Grandma.
Those blankies are really nice. Peggy does a nice job on them. We have one and we love it. Enjoy!
We love your blankie too Seaborne! Its is beautiful. We are glad to hear your Grandma Taylor is doing better!
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