Mommy met Ms. Paula at the airport with this sign:
Flat Praline joined them for lunch:
Spats got lots of skritches from Ms. Paula!
Sassy sees Flat Praline.
A kiss for Flat Praline!
Then over to Ms. Paula for some attention!
Seaborne loves Ms. Paula. (::skritch me a little to the left please...thank you::)
Sam tells Flat Praline "Hi!"
Flat Praline takes over Mommy's body and poses with Ms. Paula!
Mommy's back and being silly with Ms. Paula!
Mommy had a WONDERFUL time with Ms. Paula! What a great visit! All of the Taylor CatSSSSS LOVED HER!!! Please come again very soon Ms. Paula and visit uSSSSS again!
Mommy had a WONDERFUL time with Ms. Paula! What a great visit! All of the Taylor CatSSSSS LOVED HER!!! Please come again very soon Ms. Paula and visit uSSSSS again!
WOW~!!! That is SO furry exciting! We hope oneday our mom (and US) can meet some mom's too!
What a great visit everyone had! Yay! :-)
Those are terrific pictures. We are so glad that all of you got to visit each other. What pretty kitties. Praline is one of our favorites. Now we need to come visit all you more often.
Great pictures! We're glad you had such a great visit!
Lovely pictures of all you kitties with Praline's Mom - perhaps you can all visit back someday.
WOWIE!!! What cool pictures!! We are so excited to see you all together!!
Your TX furiends,
Oh what a fun visit that looks like! I am glad that all the kitties liked her!
How totally exciting!!!!!!!!!! Look at all that love!!!!!!!!!!
That was an exciting visit. We can see you all made good friends with Praline's mom and got lots of loving and scritches.
What a great visit.
You all met Ms Paula and flat Praline. How exciting. You are so lucky.
Great pictures from a wonderful visit, I just know y'all had fun!
My mom tells me she had a wonderful time! She was so hoping she could meet the Taylor Catsssss along with Auntie Deb and she did.
At least Flat Praline got to visit. Wish I could have actually been there.
Hi Dawling Catsssss,
It suwe looks like a wondewful visit wif Miss Paula(who obviously loooooved all of you) and flat Pwaline..I bawely wecognise youw mama, she looks like a little giwl wif hew long haiw and skinny pwetty body
Mommi' can't talk vewy well yet, so we ddidn't call you back, but we love you
smoochie kisses
Looks like a great visit. :)
We is so glad you all has a good visits! Is nice to makes such good friends from so many different places. All fur love of us cats! Bloggysfere is amazing place.
Purry purry khool~
Praline's human obviously knows how to treat kitties! I wish she could come over to my house and hang out with me!
I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. It looked like fun.
It looks like you all had a great time. Luckily Flat Praline was able to come along.
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