me and my mommeh have this verreh same argument quite frequently... it ususally ends in just the same way. either that or she tosses me off the bed, and i go flying! but that is okay too, because i like flying.
oh CatSip is great, you guys! it is real milk, with the lactose taken out for easy digestion. (normally, milk makes many kittehs kinda sickies, as our body is not made to process milks, but we LOVES it and drinks it anyways.) it also has taurine in it for eyes and heart. it seems to be available in most pet stores, but not in grocery stores. if you try it, make sure you are getting CatSip, not CatMilk. both are in similar packaging, but CatMilk is made with unhealthy things.
So unfair to make you move when you are comfy...
That sounds like a good idea! Share the bed!
Ah, sleepin' in all day....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ=^Y^=
LOL! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! :-)
Make the bed? What is this strange ritual you speak of. It never happens here!
Mawhawhaw! Our Mummy never makes the bed. We love how the doona makes a comfy cushion for us!
Good to see you posting regularly again. Hope this means your mom is feeling MUCH better!
Excuse us, we feel a nap coming on too.
Mum said to tell you she loved your equasion.
me and my mommeh have this verreh same argument quite frequently... it ususally ends in just the same way. either that or she tosses me off the bed, and i go flying! but that is okay too, because i like flying.
I likez dat! MY hoomin bean and ME, we jist wakez upz fwom a nappie 2-gether!
Way to go! I knew you could talk her into it!
Hurrah! Everybody wins!
It's so nice to share.
oh CatSip is great, you guys! it is real milk, with the lactose taken out for easy digestion. (normally, milk makes many kittehs kinda sickies, as our body is not made to process milks, but we LOVES it and drinks it anyways.) it also has taurine in it for eyes and heart. it seems to be available in most pet stores, but not in grocery stores. if you try it, make sure you are getting CatSip, not CatMilk. both are in similar packaging, but CatMilk is made with unhealthy things.
Sounds good to me.. Napping with mummy is the best.. Hugs GJ xx
Sometimes we don't let our mum make the bed until it is bedtime again.
Mom likes that idea!
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