Hey, Summer! What do you think about all that white stuff?
Summer: "I don't know about Punxsutawney Phil,but I see MY shadow!"
View from our front door!
"All I know is that I'm Summer and I'm already here! Please excuse me while I take a nap. I'm exhausted from looking for my shadow!"

Here's hoping he says winter is over...
That big rat groundhog wouldn't see his shadow if he lived in Oklahoma! Send him here!
Summer, I don't think winter is going to pay any attention to that groundhog.
Your pictures are so beautiful !!!!
Nap may be best for Groundhog : )
Yeah, I think groundhog needs lots more sleep. Then maybe he can wake up one winter and not see that shadow. Then the weather man would contradict him and ..... nevermind.
I love the pictures. Handsome subjects. Even the hog.
Snow AND khats!!
At this point, we'd take bare ground and mud. We're in the middle of a nasty snowstorm at the moment...but on the plus side, the mom's decided to take a snow day! :-)
Wowzers look at all your snow! It is purty to look at though.
Hehehehe....I gots a battle wound from a Ground hog on my neck.
Summer, I read that that Groundhog is a rodent. As far as I can remember, rodents are our prey. I vote we gang up on'im and introduce him to some gravy!
Stay warm, all you CATSSSSS!
We're with you Summer!
(We also loves Angus' idea!)
Meowza, cousins, look at that snow....if it wasn't so cold, we'd dig out the magic afghan and fly over and check it out.
It's really cold here too....at 9 a.m. it is only 20...can you believe that??????
They are saying we have a chance of snow tomorrow....Thursday....but mama says she will only believe it when she sees it.
We love ALL of ya, bunches and bunches.
The snow is over my head out here! I am going back to sleep, wake me in April.
Your pal, Pip
Summer sure seems a long way off!!!
Wow - you have got a good few inches of snow - just don't ship it over the Atlantic - we had ours before Christmas and don't want anymore!!
Keep warm and cuddle your fur babies.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We think there was some mistake with the ground hog! There is one winter storm after another....hard to believe there will only be 6 more weeks of this!
Summer you have the right idea.
We all vote for the six more weeks of naps!
LOVE that first photo- it is beautiful ; ]
The snowstorm we got here guaranteed no shadows seen by Gertie the Groundhog today! Wooo! Bring on Spring!
That is one well fed ground hog. Great picture. Summer you have the right idea.Six more weeks of naps. Then a hunting we will go. Have a super Wednesday.
we did not have enough sun to cast a shadow. The clouds are low and may have more snow in them! We wish Summer was here. She looks warm and cuddly!
After getting all this snow, we can't wait for Summer!! Summer can you come over??
Spring can't come soon enough for us
All I know is that I am ready for some warm weather! Of course, when the 100+ temperatures get here, I'll be fussing for some cool air!
That's a lot of snow! We don't have any snow here but we're ready for warmer weather and open windows soon!
You have a lot of snow. We think we would hibernate if we were you.
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