"Here is the challenge fur PROJECT HAM to Sam "tha Ham" Taylor:write one of ur's wonnerful songs about (guess what!) HAM!!!!i's donate $25 to Project HAM fur a song (an it haf ta rhyme, hee hee)!"

Sam: "Here you go, hope you enjoy it! Tune: I'll be Home for Christmas":
Dedicated to:
The Meezers
They’ll have ham for Christmas,
The Meezers
They’ll have ham for Christmas,
You can count on me.
Please have Calamari and Temptations
and Fancy Feast under the tree.
Christmas Eve will find me,
Snuggling with my “beans”.
They’ll have ham for Christmas,
Not only in their dreams.
Merry Christmas from Sam "tha Ham" Taylor

That is a very good song! Good for you!!!!
"They'll have ham for Christmas"! That's very cute. You are a good songwriter!
KC said...
Wowie, Sam, u's outdone urself this time. Great job.
Purrs, KC
pee ess: hey Sammy & Miles, here's comes $25 more dollars. an we's got a grrreat song fur tha hollydays.
That was adorable! We love your songs. Our Lady was singing it and her eyes got watery. She was smiling though, so that's a good thing. She says she loves that song in its original version, but you've improved it.
That was an awesome, super duper song!
Absolutely wonderful song!!
::clap, clap, clap:: Dat is a wunnerful song Sam. Now mom is singing yoor verzhun!
Sam - that was an awesome song! Thank you!!!!!
oh, we're having a ham party tomorrow at our place - pass it on!
what a wonderful song! way to go sam!!
Oh that's goooooodd!!!
Ah one ah two ah three... wunerful, wunerful.
Sam: :bowing: "Thank you one and all. I'm so glad that you enjoyed my song! I hope it helps get the Meezers lots of HAM for Christmas! Yummy, that sounds good....MOMMY, we gots any ham?"
Good song Taylor CatSSSSS.
Okay, CHALLENGE TIME: We challenge Midnight, Grr, Cocoa, Riley and Rascal to pose for a FESTIVE holiday picture. YES, all together. NO, you can't photoshop. We will donate $25.00 to PROJECT HAM if this challenge is met.
Yikes! You have no idea how hard this is going to be. At the moment, Grr has to go to her own room from 9:30PM to about 11:00AM every night for Unwarranted Aggressive Behavior Toward Kittens. Plus, the kittens don't stay still unless they're asleep. We'll do it though, but Midnight's probably gonna have to wear the Santa Hat. Grr threatened me last year.
Umm...Karen, in the spirit of the season and in the interest of protecting your life...how about if you just put the kittens in the Santa Hat and we will call it a DONE DEAL!
I talked to Kelly (the Blonde Girl), and she thinks we can do it with all 5. Grr is nice to the kittens during the afternoon, when she's sleepy. She only goes into Stalking the Prey mode after 9PM. So, tonight I shall locate last year's Santa Hat. Then we will take a picture in the afternoon over the weekend, when they're all sleepy. Kelly will probably have to hold the kittens and Cocoa might have to have the ever festive Fishy Flakes (he doesn't like feline crowds), but we'll get 'em! Actually, maybe Kelly should hold Grr and Amanda should hold the kittens...yeah, that'll work!
Really don't want anyone risking life or limb. Two Kittens + One Santa Hat = Challenge Met!
Very good song! I do hope they will have HAM for Christmas!!!
Don't miss the newest episode of CCSI "The Santa Caper", part 1 now running!!!
Hey Guys... to all you SSSSS's plus the ones that don't walk on
four feet:
Happy Happy Christmas...
travel safely on your fantastic
upcoming trip...
We miss you!
Hi Taylor CatSSSSS,
Wanted to stop by and wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
We haven't heard from our Aunt Deb in a while, know she's busy preparing for her great trip.
A very Merry Christmas to all you CatSSSSS and to Deb, Tatum, Sloane and The Big Guy.
Love & Purrs, Missy Blue Eyes, KC and the "Sherwood Shelter"
That's a very good song. I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas.
We wish you very happy holidays and a wonderful new year!
Karl and the rest from The Cat Realm
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