I can't believe that it has been two years since we went to get you at the airport. Your Auntie Karen had put you on the plane and your Mommy ML, Daddy, Sloane and I had rushed to pick you up when your plane arrived. Such excitement!
Here I am holding you...see the little golden paw!

In this picture, you are telling me all about your adventures!

Your Mommy ML's beautiful hands softly caressing you.
KC all snuggled up on Mommy ML's lap....
fast asleep, safe at last and deeply loved! DON'T YOU JUST LOVE
doz iz berry nice pickturez and berry berry nice story. tank u. OK?
I don't remember any of those photos, they are fantastic. Wow.
Remember how scared Karen was to put her on that plane all by herself?
Come over to KC's blog and see more photos of her first week!
Oh, but the thing is, it's not her mommy's lap she loves, it's her Daddy Charley's chest. That photo may be the only one of her sleeping on my lap.
Happy Gotcha Day KC !!!!!
You were awful brave to fly on a plane all by yourself. ~Socks, S & C
I leeerrrvvve happy endings! Wow, KC, you flew on a plane..did you yell the whole way? Happy Gotchaversary!
SAM I AM...you KNOW what I did..check it out!
Awww, we do, we do!! We love happy endings!
awww, we 'amember all the travel updates and purraying that the flight wented well. KC is so cute.
AUNTIE DEB!! you IS my girlfriend. But Sammy and Miles telled me ME also need a girlfriend CAT too. ME's too little to unnerstand why. ME loves you lots and lots and lots!!!
purrss Billy Sweet Feets
PEE ESS:: keep feeling better
KC was so adorable as a tiny kitten, and she's grown up happy and well-loved. And she has you to thank in part for her happiness!
We all love love love LOVE happy endings! Those were such sweet pictures....
Feel better Auntie Deb...
I my lord KC it has ben 2yers how time flies i remember staing on my pc wating for news about u lending and i know all about u and i still love u and all the cat blogers neet to go to your blog and see your storry Allways YOUR OLD Aunt LOA
Happy Happy
gotcha dayKC!
You wewe such a bootiful kitten and so vewy bwave!!!
I do love happy endings
smoochie kisses
Oh my those are such precious pictures of you KC! We are so glad you got rescued and Mommy ML got you!
Happy Gotcha Day and thanks Auntie Deb for helping KC get to her new forever home!
Your FL furiends,
I love the story of how KC came to her Forever home. She was just a tiny baby then!
There are few words to add, just that this is truly warm, wonderful and it touches the heart.
Happy Endings are the very best! Happy Gotcha Day KC!
Happy Gotcha Day, KC - yes, happy endings are always the best!
I do love happy endings!!!!! KC has the best life now! What a happy little kitty she is, and a very loved kitty too :)
Purrs Mickey
I remember the pictures! And thank you for e-mailing them so quickly that day. I was so thrilled to see them that I was leaking from the eyes while I checked out every single one. How wonderful that the precious little baby had such a happy ending to her story!
what a great ending to both stories. Auntie Deb, you take care of yourself, we don't want to lose a star bean reporter!
What great photos of KC. I'm so very happy there she is home with ML
Yes we love happy endings! Beautiful KC is happy and all her beans are happy and we are happy too!!
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
All I can say is, "ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT!" What wonderful photos to commemorate such a wonderful day for all of you.
and Grace & Company, too, of course
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