For those of you who don't know, I had an asthma attack on Friday night. Quite suddenly. My asthma medication pump wasn’t working. I don’t remember anything except not being able to breath. I fainted and apparently stopped breathing. Tim gave me CPR. I woke up with him breathing in my mouth. I didn’t even know he could do CPR. Tim kept watch over me all night.
I have very sore ribs from where he did the compressions. But…I am thankful to be breathing. You can be sure that my asthma medication will be in working order from now on.
I have very sore ribs from where he did the compressions. But…I am thankful to be breathing. You can be sure that my asthma medication will be in working order from now on.
The good news is that I am alive and slightly kicking! I’m just taking it easy. But as you can below, I am still roving!
Thank you to everyone for their get well wishes!

- Mr. Shrill....the MOVIE
- Very funny.....OKAY
- The Angus Twist...a dance craze!
- Victor's parents are home!
- The babies are a Month Old and ADORABLE!
- Their Mommy isn't feeling well. Please leave healing purrs.
- You have to see this beautiful kitty!
- Have you visited this wonderful new blog:
- Wanna see a cute kitten? Wait, that is redundant!
- Gretchen is looking quite beautiful!
- They are Linking again!
- Tuxie Tuesday
- Prizes...he got prizes!
- Critical cats come out tonight!
- Food Wars....Day 1
- They are explaining their wonderful, unusual names!
- Presenting the lovely Miss Jade!
- Oh man...he gots his belly shaved.
- Abby is recovering....please wish her well.
- Tuesdays with Billy.
- Rocky is hanging out!
- Petting a floofy kitty!
Please see post below for some cute pictures of KC!!!
Oh dear! That's scary that you were so sick on Friday. We are so glad that you are okay now! Kon is feeling better, with the antibiotics. He is scheduled for surgery on Thursday. Thank you so for all your help!
<3Sly and Kon
oh Auntie Deb, how scairty. ME is coming ofur right now for a huggie
Hi Auntie Deb!
That is very scairty! We are so glad Uncle Tim was there to give you CPR.
Please promise us you will gets your medicines fixed, okay?!
Rocky, Angie, S'more & our Mommy, Karen xo
We're VERY glad to know that you're up-and-at-'em again, Deb. That was just too scary, scary to hear about, and we were very worried.
Hooray, hooray for Tim who is the secret-CPR administrator and who knows when to take charge and get things done!
Marilynn, Grace & Company
How very very very very terrifying!!! Its a really good thing you weren't alone. The Lap Lady has asthma but has never had anything near as severe. I guess it does make us glad the Tall Man used to be a lifeguard. Glad you're back!
Fank goodness Tim was der an knowed what to do! We'd be losted wifout Deb in the blogosphere!
Fanks fur the shout-out! I's so bizzy rubbin an meowin an purrin, I furgotted to post a link anywhere. Purrs!
We are sure glad you are feeling a bit better Auntie Deb! That was really, really scary hearing about what happened to you, but very reassuring to hear what Tim did for you to make sure that you were okay! We are so thankful for him! Take it easy, okay?
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Wowie, that made my heart race just reading the story! Thank goodness you are okay. Tim is a hero!
Big YAYS to Tim from all of us! We're so happy to hear you're better now, Deb.
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
Real glad to hear you're getting back to normal, Deb. That was too close for comfort.
That is far too scary Auntie Deb - you must be well! We're so glad that you are doing better, but be careful from now on!
Pearl, Bert and Jake
Oh this is such scairty noos ~ we is glad that Tim was able to resuscitate you and you are doing better now ~ take care...we iz sending many comforting purrs your way...
SnowForest's human here: I'd like to thank you for your kind words following the loss of our sweet Forest ~ we greatly value your kindness and are sending many well wishes your way and hoping you never have such a scary asthma attack again...
We are so glad you are better. That was scary!!! Please take good care of yourself.
We are soooo happy to hear that you are better!!! That must have been very very scary - we do hope it will never happen again!
Cat Street Boyz Mommy here....Wow, what a scary thing to happen! I am so glad you are feeling better now but that sure had to be a traumatic! Do you have a nebulizer unit, I mean, what would happen if your inhaler malfunctioned? My son, at age one got his first asthma attack and it was horrible when he had episodes. Of course I was told to get rid of all the animals,(as the doctor worded it) but that was not an option. We build a room off the house so the cat pans would not be near where Mike would be and we tore up all the rugs and put down ceramic tile and just some small rugs. Well he is asthma free now and has been for 15 years! Some people said I was crazy to put my furkids over my sons but I did not do that, after all he loved them very much and I found it was so much easier cleaning a carpetless house!!!! It turned out to be a win win situation and those that criticized have since realized I was right. Don't you think it's wrong to teach a child that a life, as small as it may be, could easily be cast aside like and old pair of jeans! That's why I like it in this blogsphere, all of you really care for your babies, they aren't just possessions. Sooooo, I hope you have a wonderful healing day. Purrs and prayers coming your way, Holly & the Cat Street Boyz...& the Spoos!
Oh Auntie Deb, I am so glad that you're okay!! I feel like a bad friend since I haven't been around much cuz of all the stuff that's been happening in my life. But what's more important is that you're okay!! Oh, don't ever scare us like that again!
Auntie Deb
I am so sowwy you had such a howwible expewience..thank dogness fow CPW ..I'm so happy you awe allwight!!!
I will send healing smoochie kisses youw way fow youw ouchies..We loved seeing all youw woving..
pleea stay well and take cawe of youwself, and let all the wondewful Taylow Catsssss take cawe of you
Gosh Auntie Deb, that musta bean very scary. I'm very happy you are better now and roving again. Making biscuits is the feline version of CPR btw! ;)
Forgot to say...
Well done Tim, you are a real HERO!
Oh my goodness, we are so glad that Uncle Tim was there to help you, Auntie Deb! We'll send over some purrs and we hope that you are resting so you'll feel better!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
we were very scairt when we read it at the CB and we were glad ML posted it there in the first place! don't understand about not hafing it posted there but well I donÄt haf to unnerstand effurything...
what really matters is that you are feeling better now!!!
Auntie Deb you ought to be careful! wes love you too much! Should we come ofur and purr on you fur a while?
*whispers* if yous are a real nice auntie and take care of youreself more often in future you can even snirgel our tums!!
luv n hugs
Kashim & Othello
Oh Auntie Deb,
We just heard the news. How very, very scary! We are so glad that Tim was there for you! You take it easy and rest. Moki will be sending lots of purrs and headbutts your way!
What a terrible scary experience! We are so very glad that you are okay now!
Thank Goodness for Uncle Tim! How terribly scary that must have been for all of you (cats included!). Glad to hear you're feeling better. Take care now!
Your pal,
That is so scary that you stopped breathing. Thank goodness you had Tim there to give you CPR. We glad you are okay!
We sure are glad you are back!
How scary that must have been. Take it easy for a few more days!!
~ The Bunch
What a scary Friday!! Momma has bad asthma too! She has stopped breathing and passed out a three. Luckily one time she was already at an ER. The other times paramedics happened to be close by. Maybe our daddy should learn CPR just in case.... ~Queen Snickers
I'm so glad you're feeling better, Deb. I had no idea of the severity of the attack and am glad Tim knew what to do! I may have posted a comment with "We all just need to breathe" or some such in it, either on your blog or another cat blog around that time period, and hope you didn't take offense..I got that phrase from "Twister", when the fiance says that while sitting in the back seat of the pickup while they're chasing another tornado! It's a standard line I say when in a stressful situation, just to remind myself to stop, breathe, and take my own pulse, first! Then, I'm more likely to react calmly...anyway, Just wanted you to know I'm glad you're on the mend!
I'm glad your bean is much better. I she hopes to continue to stay well.
Chrissie (aka Angus' Mommy): Don't worry about that! I use that saying all the time! Ummm....did you know that Sam started a TWISTING party with Angus....hope they don't trash the house! Last I left them, they were twisting away to the Isley Brothers! Let me know if there are any...damages???
Love, Deb (aka Sam's Mom)
I am so glad that you are feeling better and that everything went okay! Purrs.
How frightening! We are so very happy you are feeling better. Asthma is very serious. Tim saved the day! Kudos to Tim!
Laila and Minchie
How frightening! We are so very happy you are feeling better. Asthma is very serious. Tim saved the day! Kudos to Tim!
Laila and Minchie
Oh goodness, how scary! We're furry glad yore ok, Auntie Deb! Please rest up and feel better soon.
Purrs & hugs,
Finny Buddy & Jasmine
We are glad all is well! That was scary!
We are so glad that Tim was there for you. We hope things will be better for you soon!
Deb, the chaos at the CB isn't about the post on your blog. It's much bigger than that, okay.
But, if you remember, I was not asked to remove it, it was removed. At the time I didn't know who or why. Now I do. (Michelle took it down out of respect, thinking of Deb's privacy).
I slept until almost 2 PM and woke up ready to go with some grrrreat news to post.
Wham. Didn't see this coming.
But I have made my apologies to the CB and hope it helps. Cannot believe there were death threats against Fiona and Orlando Bun.
Asthma attacks can be so scary! Glad you were not alone. Ms. C has seen her sister turn blue before.
Thanks for the well-wishing on your blog. I am doing a lot better despite my undignified looking belly.
Abby Normal
Oh no! That is too scary!! We are so glad that Tim was able to give you CPR and you started breathing again!!!
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and head bumps and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
OH NOOOoooooos! We is furry glad that da Mom is better now. How furry scarity that must has been.
Deb, I am glad you are feeling better. Asthma is so scary. The best way to describe a asthma attach is, try to breathe threw a straw with a cotton ball at the end. Very scary. Also if you do not know which I think you may now, Caffine can helpp with astma it can be a temp help to open the airways. I guess the albuterol is just like a adreslin rush to help open up the air ways. I once had a attach and could not find a inhaler quick enough so now they are everywhere, two in my puse one in each car. At least two in each room, even in the kitchen cabinets. Also I have a few unopen ones under the sink. So try and keep healthy.
What a frightening thing your severe asthma attack has been. Thank goodness for Tim being right there to help you. Please take care of yourself!
Mindy & MOe
What a scary thing to have happen! We're so glad that you're okay and we hope that we'll see you back on the Cat blogosphere soon.
Charlemagne and Tamar
Yer health and yer fambly and da mostest important things ever - take furry good care of yerself! Luvs to da whole house!
Deb, I wanna tell you how much we preciate efurryfing you is doin on the Cat Blogosphere an fur ofur kitties, too. Pleez take better care of yurself! We luv you an need you an need to say thanks more often. So fank you. Purrs,
Victor & Tabbymom Jen
Scary stuff. Look after yourself, huh?
Gosh, I sure hope you're doing better now - that must've been scary!
Scarey. We're all glad Uncle Tim was close by and knew what to do.
Auntie Deb we is so sorry to hear that you had such a scaree spell..we is comin rite ofur to give yoo some warm snuggles and nosekisses....
and Gracie
I iz so sorry u hjaz asthma attack! My hoomin haz troublez breathin and sometimez it scarez me. I iz glad u feelz better. OK?
Deb - Please be careful from now on - not breathing is not a good place to be. We all know that breathing is very essential to being happy! Hope you're feeling better now.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
Oh goodness! We just heard and are very thankful that you are okay! Our Mommy has asthma too and what you described certainly had to be scary. Mommy says that she gets her asthma meds filled at least once a year, whether she is out or not. She had an inhaler that did not work well once because it was old and it was scary! She never passed out thankfully but oh goodness. Take care of yourself!!
We are all glad that you are feeling better and being well cared for!
Lots of purrs and hugs from Halloween and her people
We are so glad you are okay. We had heard what had happened to you a couple of days ago, and are so thankful that your husband was there. Please make sure you take care of yourself. Your two legged and four legged family need you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
My husband, and both kids have asthma. Our daughter's is very severe and she's been hospitalized many times, but since she started taking Singulair, she hasn't had too many problems. She also uses a prescription inhaler. Have you talked to your doctor about changing your medication?
Crew's Mom
OMDawg! We didn't know all of this! Maw hasn't kept up much with the blogs since the stroke. We're so sorry that your inhaler wasn't working but that your husband did CPR!!! Wow! Glad you are doing better.
Luf, Us
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