UPDATE (2:15 P.M. EST)
I just talked to Charley and they are getting along okay. The biggest obstacle is not having any electricity. I do have a friend who will take them a battery operated fan tomorrow, if their electricity is not restored by then. Right now, the weather is cooperating, so they aren’t desperate. But, the temperatures are expected to climb by tomorrow. I have reported their problem to anyone I can get to listen. I’ve been told that they are on a priority list, but who knows how long that list is!
I have far too much news to report:"
- Mommy talked to ML last night. ML and Charley were able to get out and get fresh supplies of food and water. This is very good news. However, it still does not help that they are still without electricity. The cats are all doing fine. Thankfully, the temperatures have been cooler than normal, although are expected to begin to rise by tomorrow. Let's pray that they get their power restored ASAP!
- Mommy is doing a little better. She had a reaction to the steroid used in the her injections (of course) and has managed to "blow up like a Macy's Day Balloon". Since last Thursday, she put on TWENTY POUNDS of water retention. Her doctor started her on a diuretic last night and she has already lost EIGHT POUNDS. Needless to say, Mommy hasn't been very happy about this development and neither has her heart, lungs, and other parts of her body that she deems necessary for life.
I will be back with any late breaking news developments.
Until then, this is Sasquatch Belle Taylor ....signing off!
Fanks so much for keeping us updated on ML, Charley and the Sherwood cats. Your Mom sounds like she isn't having much fun - steriods can be yucky (so our Mum says) - but we're glad that your Mom is getting some help with the side effects. We'll keep on purring for everyone,
Gypsy & Tasha
We're glad to hear news of ML. We hope their power is restored soon. We remember how it felt before we got a generator. At least they are all safe, and that's the most important thing.
We hope your Mom's steroid side effects go away soon, too. That's a lot of water retention!
Hey, thanks, Sassy, for updating us on ML and Charley..I'm hopin' the power company gets it in gear..although I know they're working flat-out. I also know that power companies from adjoining states are sending crews to help! I'm thankful for that. Auntie Deb..I'm hopin' you're restin' more than usual since you're carryin' around all that extra water..your heart is NOT a happy camper, I'm sure! I hope all those Taylor CatSSSSS are sitting on you in a massive catpile!
we all on this end will pry u will all be ok and come out of this .
Healing purrs to you and your Mom. Hope things settle down for her and she gets doing better. Those steroids can play havoc on you.
Thanks for the updates on your Mom and ML, Charley and the kitties. We are furried werried about all of yoo...we is glad to hear dat yur Mom is doin better. We feels for da beans down in Whoston...pleeze git da powers turned on Centerpoint...daat is reelly bad down der's..
We will continue to purr furr all
:::purr purr purr::::
We are glad to hear that ML and the family are doing well.
We hope that your person starts getting better too. My human was all--that's a lot of water weight to loose so fast--we hope it didn't come out the way it would with acupuncture (ie she lives in the bathroom...)
Oh, no! We're glad to know ML is okay.
But your poor mom! We're so sorry she's been having more problems. This one must have been scary.
Take good care of her.
Good news from ML, I am very happy to hear this!
You are a cutie. Have a happy snappy day!
We hope ML & Charley get electricity soon and that the temperatures stay cool.
Purring for your Mom, water retention is no fun.
~S,S & C
Thank you fow the update!
I will pway that they get theiw lectwicity vewy soon..I'm happy youw Mom was at least able to weach them.
as fow youw poow Mom...make hew west lots and give hew tons of my smoochie heling kisses..I'll be thinking of you while I'm gone..I'll miss you
ASTA and Mommi
Thanks you so much for keeping us updated Auntie Deb, and you not feeling well to boot!
We hope you're feeling better soon and that all our friends get some power and care right away!
Pearl, Bert and Jake
We has been purrin and purrin dat all the CB furrys and beans in Texas and other places hit by Ike are doin better! We will continue our purrs till every furry one can report in safely!
Thank you for the updates!!!!!
I am happy your Mom is feeling better!! 20pounds all of a sudden is not good :(
I will send her purrs
I will send purrs to ML and her family too !!
Purrs Mickey
Ohmigosh, I didn't know that ML and her fambly were in the path of the storm! Thank you so much for your updates.
Ugh, we also hope your poor mommy gets better soon. Our own mommy says lotsa bad words about water retention, so I guess it's a bad thing. Right?
Pee Ess... mommy says she is NO medical doctor by any means, but those yummy cold bottled Starbucks coffee thingies that they sell in grocery stores are incredible when it comes to "yoorinating." As in, it apparently makes ya do that LOTS. (not sayin' you should do anything your doc doesn't want you to do, of course)
Thank you for updates on the Sherwoods. I hope their electricity comes back on fast. I am so sorry that your Mom is having so much water retention. I hope that comes under control quickly.
Hoping & purrrring that Ml & Charlie and the kittie get electric back soon.
Is there a shelter somewhere close where they could go if the weather gets too bad? Or at least someplace to cool off for a little while?
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