Sassy: "He's irritated cause Mommy had to shave around his "male parts" yesterday. He gets so floofy back there that....well use your imagination!"
Sassy: "Well it's true!"
Mommy hangs head in defeat!
Poor Seaborne. How embarrassing for Sassy to tell the world about your floof problems. That is a great graphic from Zoolatry
Seaborne, you are also very Flauschie! We do not blame you for being irritated. We would also be irritated to have our furs shaved off!
oh Seaborne, our mommy still wants to huggle and smooch you .
Oh you are lovely, and dont worry I have to get that done from time to time to.
Your picture and words are great
Hugs GJ xxx
Ah yes, those dangling dingleberries are problematical.
O NO NOT about your personals i know how u feels about stuff like this my kitty LOVER GUY bean rty to do this to him him try to killa he lol so her take him to vet and they go 1-2-3- And he is out fur a day ahaahah so now i can sleep in his spot
Abby & Stygia
Seaborne my huggable furriend, u are super duper gorgeous! Oh Sassy, don't do that again okey?
kiss for both of u!
Sassy, You have to tell ALL? No wonder Seaborne is irritated and your mom is embarrassed.
But that's a great photo Zoolatry made.
Gemini is irritated just to think about it. She hates having her bum furs trimmed up!
Oh Seaborne
I understand why you are irritated. Because Momma sometimes has to snip off my furrs back there too. I am a bit of a fuzzy pants and because of being a manx I can't get all of the *amen* stuff off of me and it sticks to my furrs and then Momma has to cut it off because it mats...oooo I am so embarrassed I just said all of that...
I think I might be irritated, too! So was Kimo. Did you read Kimo and Sabi's latest post?
Marilynn, Grace & Company
We would be irritated too Seaborne, but you are gorgeous with all that floof. Sassy you shouldn't reveal everything and embarres your Mommy & Seaborne. ~S,S,C & F
Oh,'s hard being floofy!!!
Seaborne, dood, I'm sure sorry for ya..but as long as she didn't cut OFF your twig n' berries, I wouldn't worry too much about it. And at least she didn't WAX it off! I've heard peepul do that! AAAUUUGH!
Seaborne, I don't blame you for being a little bit irritated.
Poor Seaborne! Sassy is a typical sister! Tells it all when she know it will embarrass her siblings!
I am floofy too, but not as much as you. I don't like to let my Mom anywhere near my backside (even though sometimes something gets stuck there and she says she needs to clean it off). Ok, it does stink and I really don't want to deal with it myself, but then...
Seaborne, you are a beautiful, floofy cat. With great beauty comes great indignities. You got your furs shaved. Hopefully, there were treats afterward to ease the irritation.
Poor Seaborne. First the humiliation of having it done and then the humuliation of a brother or sister telling on you.
Hi Seaborne. I unnerstand you is pristine in ALL areas now. ConCATulashuns. But no mohawk this time, so you's lucky. An yours mancat parts is still there, so you's lucky two times.
Love & Purrs,
I understand your irritation, Seaborne. Whap Sassy a good one for telling everyone about it.
Poor Seaborne. Miss Jade gets like that, but Mom values her hands too much to try doing much to her hind end. She might end up like Mommy ML if she tried to do much with Miss Jade.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Max & I feel your pain, Seaborne. The world doesn't have to know about your private parts!
George & Max
Thank you for stopping in and for your kind words, that means a lot!
Poor Seaborne, we know that can be embarrassing. Being floofy is hard work.
Don't feel bad dude, I'm not even floofy "back there" and I still get stuff stuck on my bloomers. ~Speedy
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